Day 01 : Fundamentals

Day 01 : Fundamentals

Every resource should be created inside the resource group.

Ideally needs to deallocate the services to stop pay.

Azure is whole set of capacity like for Network, compute, storage.

Customer is not responsible for maintaining IAAS and PAAS

IAAS is consumption based charges.

Using azure is due to regions, which is made up of data centers.

Azure arc : takes management, governance in on-prem env as azure services.

5 Charactersticks to be a cloud

On-demand self-service.

Bread network access.

Resource pooling.

Rapid elasticity.

Measure Service.

Types of "As A Service":

Pricing Calculator:

In order to use pricing calculator one needs to have good understanding of architecture to generate pricing. Later the calculation could be shared with the pre-sales or the end client.

Reference :